The Department of Archaeology, study programmes include European archaeology (prehistoric, ancient, medieval, modern), archaeological methodology, museology, and heritage protection. Supports a graduate study program that includes maritime and underwater archaeological themes.
Maritime and Nautical Archaeology. The underwater and maritime archaeological research within the Department of Archaeology has a long tradition. Dr. Radic-Rossi brings a modern and state-of-the-art perspective to maritime archaeology - one that is less focused on the protective but emphasizes the scientific aspect. What is basically missing in the Mediterranean but now slowly emerging at the University of Zadar are truly scientific projects. Two inspiring exceptions are the Institute of Nautical Archaeology in Bodrum, Turkey and the Centre for maritime archaeology and underwater cultural heritage in Alexandria, Egypt. A future well equipped and amply staffed CIMMAR could well become another such research hot-spot to revolutionize the way underwater maritime archaeology is conducted and interpreted.