Dubravko Pejdo, Claudia Kruschel, Stewart Schultz, Martina Markov, Ivana Zubak, Danijel Kanski, Petra Peleš. 2016. FISH POPULATION ASSESSMENT IN THE EASTERN ADRIATIC SEA: BAITED, REMOTE, UNDERWATER VIDEO (BRUV) VERSUS TRAMMEL NET SAMPLING . Proceedings of the 51st European Marine Biology Symposium, Rhodes, Greece. Talk.

Dubravko Pejdo*, Claudia Kruschel, Stewart Schultz, Danijel Kanski, Ivana Zubak, Martina Markov, Petra Peleš. 2015. Fish monitoring in Kornati National Park: Baited, remote, underwater video (BRUV) versus trammel net sampling. VI. SAVJETOVANJE O MORSKOJ TEHNOLOGIJI in memoriam akademiku Zlatku Winkleru 20. i 21. studenog 2015, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti – Znanstveno vijeće za pomorstvo, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

Stewart T. Schultz, Claudia Kruschel. 2016. CONSERVATION SCIENCE MEETS MEDICINE: ECONOMICS OF DECISION LOGIC IN SCREENING TESTS FOR MARINE ECOLOGICAL HEALTH . Proceedings of the 51st European Marine Biology Symposium, Rhodes, Greece. Poster.

Claudia Kruschel, Tea Ivancic, Radoslava Lakic, Stewart T. Schultz. 2016. The effects of interference interactions on fish communities as assessed by baited remote underwater videography (BRUV). Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, Kiel, Germany, Poster.

Claudia Kruschel, Sandra Jahn, Ivana Zubak, Stewart T. Schultz. 2016. Experimental evidence for the disruption of predator-prey interactions by chemical pollution. Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, Kiel, Germany. Talk.

Claudia Kruschel, Sandra Jahn, Ivana Zubak, Stewart T. Schultz. 2016. Experimental evidence for the disruption of predator-prey interactions by chemical pollution. Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, Kiel, Germany. Poster.

Claudia Kruschel, Tea Ivancic, Radoslava Lakic, Stewart T. Schultz. 2016. The effects of interference interactions on fish communities as assessed by baited remote underwater videography (BRUV). Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, Kiel, Germany. Talk.

Claudia Kruschel, Martina Markov, Dubravko Pejdo, Stewart T. Schultz. 2016. INCREASES IN SMALL PREDATORY FISH – PROOF OF EFFECTIVE FISHING REGULATIONS OR ENHANCED PREDATOR RELEASE? A CASE STUDY IN THE MPA KORNATI NATIONAL PARK, CROATIA . Proceedings of the 51st European Marine Biology Symposium, Rhodes, Greece. Talk.
May 18-20 Workshop on Methods in Underwater Videography, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Kruschel, Claudia. 2017. Use of Underwater Video in Fish Assessment in HRZZ Project COREBIO. Workshop on Methods in Underwater Videography, University of Barcelona, Spain. May 18-20.

Pejdo, D. and Schultz, S.T. and Kruschel, C. 2017. Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV), a Tool for Assessment of Fish Communities in the Adriatic Sea. Workshop on Methods in Underwater Videography, University of Barcelona, Spain. May 18-20.